I have been working extensively on the first stage of completing this project: creating the fixed-media components that need to be installed in the gallery. I will be cross-posting audio snippets to my SoundCloud and/or other sites and sharing those links here. For this first audio demo, I'm sharing one of the most complete sections of fixed-media composition - which focuses on interweaving multiple streams of radio broadcasts while still trying to not completely obscure their intelligibility. Meanwhile, it's musically pushing and pulling between suggested "real" and "imaginary" spaces, with schisms and fractures occurring as the two spaces clash.
[EDIT: The original link is now broken, follow the following link to listen here:] https://soundcloud.com/doug-mccausland-1/reglossolalia-msc-thesis-wave-1
Meanwhile, I have been working additionally on creating some of the hardware-hacked tools I will utilize in performance. The first two I have been working on are a small collection of circuit-bent radios (trying to determine which ones have the best sonic characteristics to work with when bending), and a version of Ewa Justka's "Voice Odder" instrument. Pictures of everything are included below as well.
Thanks for reading!
**Edit Log: Removed outdated SoundCloud demo link, and replaced with a link to the full release of [re]Glossolalia // Wave 1.**