GranVolution Synthesis // 2019-2021
Software for Real-Time Granular Synthesis and Convolution
Information (Updated March 2021):
More information and documentation is coming on this software very soon. The software is essentially a cross between granular synthesis and cross-synthesis / convolution, designed from the ground up for "hands-on" control in real-time. When released, GranVolution will come packaged with ~400 stereo impulse-responses. An adapted version of this instrument is a significant portion of the work that's happening "under the hood" with the MH / CH interfaces, and can be heard / seen in the documentation for Convergence. The video below is from an older version of the software (version 1.2); the current version is 3.2, and the full release will be version 4.0 once I have solved some small bugs and added some quality of life features.